Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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CSAS is Organizing a Seminar on "Seerat-ul-Nabi (PBUH)"
CSAS is Organizing a Seminar on "Seerat-ul-Nabi (PBUH)"

To observe the Occasion of Milad-ul-Nabi, and paying homage to the Holy Prophet Khatam-ul-Nabiyeen (PBUH), the Centre for South Asian Studies (CSAS), University of the Punjab, Lahore is organizing a seminar on September 27, 2023 at 02:00 p.m. Mr. Sheikh Khawar Riaz, Visiting Lecturer of Holy Quran at Institute of Business & Information Technology (IBIT) & Centre for High Energy Physics (CEHP), University of the Punjab, Lahore will be the guest speaker and will deliver lecture on “Seerat-ul-Nabi (PBUH)”.